Ryan Dungey knows a thing or two about bikes. The professional motocross racer has won every major title in American motocross and Supercross. But he doesn’t stick to just bikes with engines. Ryan is an avid cyclist.
He recently came into ERIK’S to get a Specialized Body Geometry Fit for his Specialized Venge. We caught up with him after to get his thoughts on the fit.
ERIK’S: What did you think about the Specialized Body Geometry Fit experience?
Ryan Dungey: The bike fit experience was very eye-opening for me. Overall I feel much more comfortable in the saddle. It was only millimeters of adjustments, but those changes made all the difference! Knowing I’m getting the most out of my pedal stroke and power is mentally good to know.
What improvements did you notice to the bike fit after adjustments were made to your bike and equipment?
The adjustments that were most noticeable were the inserts in my shoes and adjusting the cleat positioning. The little bit of support in the front part of my shoe and the support in the arch made my pedal stroke feel more connected, smooth, and efficient. The cleat adjustment kept my right knee from coming across as I pedaled downward, which was uncomfortable.
Would you recommend a Specialized Body Geometry Fit to other cyclists?
Yes, I think everyone should be fitted. It will save you a lot of stress on the body if you get fitted correctly from the beginning! I would recommend a fit to someone who has been cycling for years or just starting. I’ve cycled for 10-plus years before getting fit. I believe it could have saved me from a lot of discomfort and aches and pain.
Specialized Body Geometry FIT is a comprehensive fit philosophy created to help cyclists ride faster, longer, and in greater comfort while reducing the chance of injury. ERIK’S Fit technicians analyze your body’s unique attributes, pedal stroke, and body position to match your bike to the needs of your body.
Interested in learning more about Specialized Body Geometry Fit? Stop by your local ERIK’S.